Some transistor cases, such as with the 2n3055, act as the transistors collector. The 2n6673 is a 15 mhz device so it is superior to the 2n3055. It is intended for power switching circuits,series and shunt regulators, output stages and high fidelityamplifiers. Bandwidth safe operating area these devices are pb. The various aspects normally involved with these devices like vceo, vcbo, ft, ptc end up only being the facts on the sheets, with the folks failing to get the complete view of the internal operations of the part. Comidox 10pcs 2n3055 npn high power amplifier and switching transistor to3 15a 60v 4. The 2n3055 is a power bipolar transistor designed to handle high power loads in the range of 100 v, and 15 amps. It was introduced in the early 1960s by rca using a hometaxial power transistor process, transitioned to an epitaxial base in the mid1970s. Given that the heatsinks are typically made of metal, you want a large portion of the transistors case to be in physical contact with the heatsink but not in electrical contact see diagram to. The 2n3055 transistor has a power dissipation of 115w. Semiconductor technical data order this document by 2n3055 d motorola, inc. Continental device india limited c120 naraina industrial area, new delhi 110 028, india. The 2n3055 transistor, like all transistors, is essentially an electronic switch.
Mj2955 are complementary silicon power transistors. It is intended for power switching circuits, series and shunt regulators, output stages and high fidelity amplifiers. Here we take a closer look at all the specific parameters related with. Amplifier accessories free delivery possible on eligible purchases. In this case the 7812 is used as just the voltage reference for the 2n3055 pass transistor. It can be used for the various application like switching circuits, amplifying circuits, and manufacturing of the logic gates etc. I know hery little about electronics, so please keep that in mind. Complementary power transistors stmicroelectronics. The rs website just says its an amplifier and switch for regulator applications. The power semiconductor data book for design engineers first edition, texas instruments incorporated, publication no. Sl100 transistor pinout, specifications, equivalent. Control the flow of electricity in your electronic equipment.
Complementary silicon power transistors aredesigned for. The 2n3055h is a silicon power base transistor for high power audio, seriespass power supplies, diskhead positioners and other linear application. Com datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors and other semiconductors. I put one of the 2n3055 s on a semiconductor analyser and its gain was very high compared to original datasheet. The article provides you with all the necessary details.
Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant. Because the 2n3055 is a bipolar junction transistor, its three terminals are called the base, the collector and the emitter. Power dissipation 25c dc current gain hfe 4 a vce sat 1. Understanding a conventional 2n3055 spec sheet can probably be quite difficult for the many noobs in the field. The 2n3055 is a decent transistor, bw is typically about 3 mhz. Once again we use an npn predriver to protect the microcontroller io pin from the high base voltage of q2. A voltage applied through a resistor to the base can control the current flowing from the collector to the emitter. For the best answers, search on this site mosfets are a type of transistor but they dont function like a bijunction transistor, like the 2n3055. I had to increase the vas capacitance to stop it oscillating. If you see the pass transistor as an emitter follower amplifier where the load is not shown, you see that the output voltage will be just the 7812 voltage minus a vbe drop.
Ldmos rf power field effect transistor 90 w, 869960 mhz. Page 2 of 4 electrical characteristics t ambient25. It will be awhile before i will have all of the components to build the target project so i would like to know how to test the 2n3055 transistors. I bought in two from rs components excellent vendor and my amplifier oscillated badly. Emitter voltage 2n3055ag mj15015g, mj15016g vceo 60 120 vdc collector. Electronic parts circuit diagram circuits electronics mall purpose technology type tecnologia.
Jan 24, 2015 2n3055 amplifier circuit diagram, how to make 2n3055 amplifier. If my memory is good, they have a terrible low efficiency. In plate 10 we use a highpower mj2955 the compliment to the earlier 2n3055 with a tip42 pnp transistor to form a darlington transistor. Preferred devices are motorola recommended choices for future use and best overall value. As the title states, how does a 2n3055 npn transistor work.
Order this document motorola by 2n3055 d semiconductor technical data npn 2n3055 complementary silicon power pnp mj2955 transistors. Sep 26, 2018 2n3055 datasheet pdf 15 a, 60 v npn bipolar power transistor, 2n3055 pdf, 2n3055 pinout, substitute, equivalent, data, circuit, output. The device is designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications. Ltd1qwr205003,asilicon npn transistorsthe utc 2n3055 is a silicon npn transistor in to3metal case. These devices can also be used in power switching circuits such as converters or inverters. If you are an electronic hobbyist, you might have certainly used this very useful, and. I put one of the 2n3055s on a semiconductor analyser and its gain was very high compared to original datasheet. New listing 10x 2n3055 npn power transistor amp audio stereo diy psu driver wi3 15a 60hntvv. I bought a 1980s maplin 225wrms amplifier with the 2n3055 s missing. Description npn transistor for powerful af output stages. Pricing and availability on millions of electronic components from digikey electronics.
Com is the biggest online electronic component datasheets search engine. How to test 2n3055 electronics forum circuits, projects. Lm317 lm339 max232 ne555 lm324 8051 7805 2n3055 lm358 2n2222 74ls8 tda7294 tl431 irf540 1n4148 datasheets found. The study of the following relevant acronyms is a must for all electronic students. I bought a 1980s maplin 225wrms amplifier with the 2n3055s missing. In this post we comprehensively discuss the pinout function, electrical specification, and application designs for the power transistor 2n3055. May 19, 2010 hello, i purchased some 2n3055 transistors through ebay today and they were manufactured in india by continental device india limited. Continental device india limited data sheet page 4 of 4. Jan 24, 20 for the best answers, search on this site mosfets are a type of transistor but they dont function like a bijunction transistor, like the 2n3055. Here, the circuit below is the example circuit for the sl100 transistor. Unit conditions vceosus collectoremitter sustaing voltage 60 v ic200ma, ib0 vcersus collectoremitter sustaing voltage 70 v ic200ma, rbe100. Free and are rohs compliant maximum ratings note 1 rating symbol value unit collector.
It could be used for switching in the 50 khz range. Semiconductor transistor, diode, ic cross reference. Motorola, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Like any other transistor 2n3055 has three pins namely emitter, base and collector. It is intended for power switching circuits, series and shunt regulators, output stages and. Silicon highpower npn transistor designed for use in power switching circuits. Semiconductor technical data order this document by 2n3055d motorola, inc. Hello, i purchased some 2n3055 transistors through ebay today and they were manufactured in india by continental device india limited. The 1967 rca transistor manual, sc, did not mention any measure of high frequency performance for. Understanding 2n3055 transistor spec sheet bright hub. Ic cross reference cross reference ci stk cross reference ci tda cross reference ci sharp cross reference hitachi audio ic cross reference and circuit applications smd cross reference and equivalent we make every effort to ensure that the material on this site is accurate, however we do not warrant or represent that the information is free. Generalpurpose switching, power amplifiers and audio amplifier. Transistor datasheet, transistor pdf, transistor data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Internal schematic diagram october1995 absolute maximum ratings symbol.
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